Important Announcement about KRETA SENJA G7

Monday, September 12, 2016

Finally, I am so glad to announce you guys that Rocket Rockers has confirmed to perform at our event KRETA SENJA G7.  here is the final line up that will be performing at KRETA SENJA G7, Thursday Nov 10th 2018 :

Guest Stars: Rocket Rockers, Hoolahoop, The Silver, DJ Nasa Freak
Special Performance: SENJA Performance (Subdiv Traditional Dance, Subdiv Modern Dance, Subdiv Angklung-Perkustik, Subdiv Band, Subdiv Theater, and Alumni’s Band)
Band Festival: Remember Party, Nufla, HD, Glamorious, Stand and Rise, Midnight, Heylu, Draff, Dinner at My Home, Senja Army, Kyne, Gragie, Cube Madness, Foremost, Felix William, Ugly But Honestly. Also we provided Stand that Indomaret came as a participant.

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